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We must also look at the brighter side of it

Check out this video,really amazing

sorry Deepti,updated it :)

Swetha Shenoy
Swetha, I see no video displayed.. :dry:

I think there is some problem.... Why don't you try posting again!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I have come across two types of beggars- one who have been forced to it under very tragic circumstances and mostly comprises of old,disabled and sick and there another category which deserves neither sumpathy nor help and they need to be identified and dealt with very firmly they consist of people -tricksters,lazybones and frauds!

check out this video too :)

Swetha Shenoy
It is really pathetic to see small kids begging.Thanks for the video and the link,Swetha.
i dont know about this discussion bacause i never tought of thinking about such things at all!!!!!! till now!!!!!!!!!
The beggars have no ambitions other than to some how satisfy the barest physical needs. So, they do not suffer from frustration caused by failures. Hence, they may be happier.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't think so. Businessmen suicide due to fear of lose of their pride.These beggers have no pride and no fear hence.

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Yes,I agree with you Abid. Business men always have a fear towards loss.
I don't think beggars are more happier than us, no doubt they have no business tensions but they have a question of everyday bread butter....
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