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It is good respond from a new member @Aman :lol: :) Hope such members can really make everything possible.
a clarion call by ceeem .high time to colectively try to increase boddunan revenue.right now i m in a train and posting with my mobile.
Thanks a lot,Rajesh! I just hope this thread generates more enthusiam amongst members to achieve this target this year!
We have very less active members. at any time, there are hardly 4 o5 5 members and around ten guests. There is greater necessity of getting more activity and interesting articles/ posts so that more readers are attracted.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Its great to reach 8000 mark but at the same time we need more active participation from the members.
That's right,Ramachandran! We need to be active and these days I am happy to find more active members!
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