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Chinmoy, a very nice story shared here.There are many people in this world like the young Man who tried to embarrass swamiji.They always try to poke their nose in to unwanted issues rather than taking the good essence.
Chinmoy that is interesting story indeed and smartly answered and thanks for sharing.. :)
Thanks sarala for sharing a short and cute moral story :)
Interesting story Chinmoy!!

[quote]The motive was to distract swamiji's flow but truth always finds majority.And it was amply proved[/quote]

I think the motive of the young man was not to distract but to expose the deceit of the Swami who made tall claims and by sheer gift of lucid speeches had turned a huge mod of people into his followers!

Aren't we already seeing just too many examples of similar babajis and maharajas etc. even in the 21st century today???

We do need more of such rationally thinking and courageous men who will question such conmen and make others see reason!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Chinmoy that is interesting story indeed and smartly answered...
nicely written man... keep throeing that kind of ...
Nice story thanks for sharing it carries a good moral too keep sharing.

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I like stories about people doing interesting things when they ... wow. check out Chinmoy interesting story

Thanks all and here is one more from the same author on what excessive and obessive fear can do to us!

"Once a snake was spotted in the thick bushes
at the end of the lawn in front of the house
the family searched for it frantically
but couldn't find it!
that night they could hardly sleep.
next day they searched again
without any success
"it seems to have gone!" everyone thought
but the fear of snake stayed back.
they kept the light in the verandah on
to scare off the snake
in case it was still around!
none could have a sound sleep that night also
next day they decided that enough was enough
so they set the dry bushes on fire!
all bushes were reduced to ash
and there was no snake!
all family heaved a big sigh of relief!
they expected to have a sound sleep that third night
but somehow they couldn't
the fear of past 48 hours refused to go away immediately!
so they kept the verandah light on for that night too!
night passed off peacefully
next morning
when the lady of the house opened the door of the bathroom
she was welcomed by the snake!
what had happened was that
the burning of the bushes had resulted in the snake being rendered homeless
and hence running out for another shelter
since none existed in the cemented neighbourhood
the wandering snake saw the movement of rodents in the verandah
which were attracted by the light
left 'on' to ward-off the snake.
snake reached the verandah and found the way in!
the very steps to ward-off the snake
resulted in the snake landing directly into the house!
Wow , this was another nice story, go on ceeem and let out all the contents of your repository. Thanks once again.
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Thanks all and here is one more from the same author on what excessive and obessive fear can do to us!

"Once a snake was spotted in the thick bushes
at the end of the lawn in front of the house
the family searched for it frantically
but couldn't find it!
that night they could hardly sleep.
next day they searched again
without any success
"it seems to have gone!" everyone thought
but the fear of snake stayed back.
they kept the light in the verandah on
to scare off the snake
in case it was still around!
none could have a sound sleep that night also
next day they decided that enough was enough
so they set the dry bushes on fire!
all bushes were reduced to ash
and there was no snake!
all family heaved a big sigh of relief!
they expected to have a sound sleep that third night
but somehow they couldn't
the fear of past 48 hours refused to go away immediately!
so they kept the verandah light on for that night too!
night passed off peacefully
next morning
when the lady of the house opened the door of the bathroom
she was welcomed by the snake!
what had happened was that
the burning of the bushes had resulted in the snake being rendered homeless
and hence running out for another shelter
since none existed in the cemented neighbourhood
the wandering snake saw the movement of rodents in the verandah
which were attracted by the light
left 'on' to ward-off the snake.
snake reached the verandah and found the way in!
the very steps to ward-off the snake
resulted in the snake landing directly into the house![/quote]

Very nice. Fear does not remove danger. Also danger comes from the safest side and unexpectedly.
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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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