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I would like to have hot veg samosas and fresh fruit juices if it is provided free of cost. ;)
our college was famous for noodles , samosa specially.
My school was famous for : Murali chips which was round like chakra

My Inter college was famous for : Rs 1 four small samosas

My Degree college was famous for : Rs 6 samosas

My PG College was famous for : Rs 20 Manchuria and Rs 15 Sapota juice

My office is famous for : Pure drinking water and tea!!!

:) :D

Swetha Shenoy
In my college days we never have to go canteen but if all have to go we use to drink soft drinks and sometime Aloo Samosa. In office tea and water are famous. :)
i mainly talk about my collage canteen it always famous for his different type of pokara and various kind of hot anf cold drinks.
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