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the amazing and my favourte movie is the robert and the avtar this contain the thing that are not easy in this world.
My favorite amazing movies are B13 and 2012. I have seen those several times.
I have many comedy movie as my favorite but i find scientific friction and animation movies amazing. One should give credit for their idea and harwork involved in creating different character.
"Baby's Day Out", "Home Alone" and "The Mask" are the funniest movies that I have watched so far.
Tal, Dhadkan, srk's all movies and mahesh movies

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Tal, Dhadkan, srk's all movies and mahesh movies

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The most amazing movie is the 3 idiots i see this movies 50 times in one year.
the most amazing movie i have seen is Avatar and the sanctum

I love the movie titanic .It is a different love story.

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there are many movie which are have ever seen.
Some of them are
Taal,ddl,kutch kutch hota hain,kabhi kushi kabhi gam,devana and many more

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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