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So programs like green revolution, afforestation and factors like curbing emissions of fuels and smoke helps in reducing pollution.
I think the term 'Green Revolution' was coined in the late sixties to meet the acute food shortages and this movement was launched to exponentially increase yield of land and the results were quite revolututionary but it came at a cost.Drawal of water from water table was huge and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides actually contributed to degradation of environment!!!What do you say on that?
How Could Green Revolution contribute to control of pollution? In fact it has contributed more to it!!

I also have the same doubt.

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The resources of this planet are limited and over-exploitation by one generation act to the detriment of ones to come!!
Ceeem...I think necessary resources are there , but not to satisfy the greedy one.

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Yes,upto certain extent.But then also a number of trees are bing cut for various purposes.
You are right,Abid! But who is there to differentiate between 'need' and 'greed'!
You are right,Abid! But who is there to differentiate between 'need' and 'greed'!

That is the problem we are facing now.

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green revolution is helpful in removing pollution as green trees freshes air and bringing rain. ya it play role in removing pollution.
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