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Yes i agree because it will help in future problems that mind will get sharp of thinking about the enemy steps

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Its seemingly endless variations of attacks and defense systems are truly fascinating subject for study!
yes game of chess sharprn the mind it increase logical abiloty.
yes chess games sharpens our mind as it is logical thinking game

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In India some decades back we didn't have a single Grand Master and now the scenario has completely changed.Anand is the current World Champion!
yeah i believe because it tends to think brain how to defeat the other side .
There are many fold benefits of playing chess like it helps in improving our concentration and develops logical thinking and I too agree that it also helps a lot when it comes about sharpening our mind.

Boss , you can answer yes or no and add some comments also.

I agree. The answer like Yes or No, should be supported by some discussion. after all, the forums are for discussion and not poll.
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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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A true boss can afford to comment like that!
Yes chess will helps in mind sharp it is help full in future to know the steps of our enemies.

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