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You must go see some places where senior people gather to discuss serious matters for instance go to Indian coffee house opposite bus stand Connought place.

No i have not visited there i have just seen coffee house behind V3S in Luxmi Nagar. :)

Both of you, never went to CCD?

No i have not? Where is it in Delhi? :blink:
You must go see some places where senior people gather to discuss serious matters for instance go to Indian coffee house opposite bus stand Connought place.

No i have not visited there i have just seen coffee house behind V3S in Luxmi Nagar. :)

check here is the total list with address Delhi is in the bottom side.

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I have seen Kolkata coffee house in Discovery Several times. This is very famous attraction in Kolkata.
Actually,bengali used to talk a lot and they conversation goes long and long.

Want to make each day Accountable

During this holiday season, get out and enjoy one of your local shops. You never know…you might stumble upon your next favorite blend or atmosphere.

hmm, I couldnt understand what this statement is? :huh:

Rajani, what she means to say is that if we get out and visit smaller less know shops in our town, we might come across a shop which would be come our favorite destination for a cup of tea or coffee!! The gist of her post is, be adventurous and explore!

But the question is about whether you enjoy coffee house atmosphere or not?
During this holiday season, get out and enjoy one of your local shops. You never know…you might stumble upon your next favorite blend or atmosphere.

hmm, I couldnt understand what this statement is? :huh:

Rajani, what she means to say is that if we get out and visit smaller less know shops in our town, we might come across a shop which would be come our favorite destination for a cup of tea or coffee!! The gist of her post is, be adventurous and explore!

But the question is about whether you enjoy coffee house atmosphere or not?

Hmmmm! Yeah, she definitely missed a point!! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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