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Belief in supernatural is world-wide phenomenon and science has succeeded in providing answer to many but some are still unresolved!
Beleiving supernatural things is a psychic condition.Human will be always addicted to it.

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yes i alway believe in a supernatural.............................
yes i beleive in it.
I strongly believe in it since it starts where science ends.Any strong person, goes in the feet of God when he or she finds no ray of hope.The more you have faith, more you will find yourself close to that.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Yes, I believe that many supernatural and paranormal creatures exist in this world...
Yes,I believe that there is something supernatural present in our world.
Yes, I believe in the supernatural power.I think, Its created by god.

Be positive
I believe in supernatural . because I feel when we believe in God then we need to believe in these also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Along with natural forces there are certain very powerful forces, albeit natural but unexplained are considered supernatural. Many of them have explanations in the science for their causes, yet in overall, these forces belong to the realms of the unknown.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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