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Whenever you are downloading, it is 95% sure that you are downloading some other thing also which affect your system mild or severely now-a-days.So Please be careful before you go for downloading anything.

That is scary since we download so many things in the course of a day and to think that we also may be getting our computers infected - no doubt the firewall and the anti virus takes care of most things but to thik that you are constantly under attack is still worrisome ..

That's true!! But if we have a properly licensed and paid-for copy, then there is usually no problem!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar
I was actually wondering in what manner these celebrities could prove dangerous, then I read carefully about the malwares!! :laugh:

LOL, no doubt Sunny Leone is dangerous in more than one way.. :laugh: the others may not be that dangerous except probably Bipasha Basu :cheer:

Usha Sir is saying about virus when we down load some such links of photo. Spy is everywhere.

Of course that is very well understood Ram...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Hi everyone,

I would like to suggest some tips for a safe download and also to keep your system clean.

1. The first and main tip is please check to make sure you are on a reputable site or in the concerned site when you find a file that you want to download.

2. Check the user comments. - If the download page is incorporated with user comments, please read the usercomments which will help you to decide whether the particular files are trustable to download.

3. While downloading through a link, please point your cursor over the download link and check the windows status bar (which will be in the bottom left corner of the window), in which the filename along with the url will be shown. So that we can decide, we are downloading the correct file.

3. Install antivirus/malware/spyware detection program which will help you to reduce 50% risk.
(You have to be very careful while choosing the antivirus/malware/spyware detection programs. The reason is sometimes the hackers will use these spywares as their source to corrupt your system. So please go for a genuine and popular spywares.)

4. After we downloaded a file, please dont run or open the files. Please check whether you have downloaded the correct files with the correct extensions. You can check this by clicking the properties function. Please make sure it is not a executable file (.exe).

5. If you use antivirus programs then please scan the downloads before you open it. Until you run the file or open the file, the downloaded file will not do any harm to your computer.

These are the five tips which i follow while downloading a file.
Thank you said by: usha manohar, jabeen
Welcome to boddunan Arun, and thanks for some good tips to avoid downloading malwares and viruses!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Its my pleasure to share what i know with others.

Thanks for welcoming kalyani.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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