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When in Relationship one must see that they maintain their relationship with each other by keeping Faith, Trust and Confidence on each other. This will helps you develop and strenghthen LOVE between you. Never ever give the chance to your partner to loose the faith in you.

If you have trust on anyone, then there is no difficulty in maintaining the relationship with him or her. No one can break that relationship.

Born to express, not to impress.
Respect others and get respect from other. Follow this mantra and surely you will have good relationship

A Mantra works only if you know that the relations can be bettered using this mantra
Our needs change with time. If you'd like to feel understood, try being more understanding. If you want to feel more love, try giving more. It's a simple program that really works.

Relationships are a two way affair. Both the parties should see that their hands come in to contact to produce the sound.

Very true, in many cases people instead of growing closer and together tend to grow apart and become independent of each other. This happens in life and one cannot do anything much about it since it is a matter of adjustments ,compromises and also accommodating each others needs and personalities..

Its all about understanding the needs of each other and responding positively, so that the interests of both the parties are well served.
Our needs change with time. If you'd like to feel understood, try being more understanding. If you want to feel more love, try giving more. It's a simple program that really works.

Relationships are a two way affair. Both the parties should see that their hands come in to contact to produce the sound.

Very true, in many cases people instead of growing closer and together tend to grow apart and become independent of each other. This happens in life and one cannot do anything much about it since it is a matter of adjustments ,compromises and also accommodating each others needs and personalities..

Its all about understanding the needs of each other and responding positively, so that the interests of both the parties are well served.

In any relationship, if we want to work it in good way, then we should try that a knot is not formed in it, otherwise, relationship won't work good.

Want to make each day Accountable

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