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Do Google Translator can help us on such works !!!?? :D

Try it and tell us too if it helps. :laugh:

I don't try much sites to earn online as its needs lots of hard work. :(
Ha ha.. Yes surely it needs lots of work..

Well Google Translator do translates the thing but in weird ways. I know few days before I tried it but few translated words were really wrong and funny. Means I written My Character , and it translated into mere Akshar... :D it was right but meaning got Character can have multiple meanings.

Ha ha.. Yes surely it needs lots of work..

Well Google Translator do translates the thing but in weird ways. I know few days before I tried it but few translated words were really wrong and funny. Means I written My Character , and it translated into mere Akshar... :D it was right but meaning got Character can have multiple meanings.

I never had problem in translating English to Hindi and have written few articles in Hindi I can't say about other languages. :blink:
Do you use Google Translator for the same? Or write hindi using some other way?

Do you use Google Translator for the same? Or write hindi using some other way?

I used Google translator only to write those Hindi articles and I found it too easy to use it. :)
Okay.. Yes even I found it easy, but I never tried to write whole articles. I have only used it for few words for my website designing purpose.

Okay.. Yes even I found it easy, but I never tried to write whole articles. I have only used it for few words for my website designing purpose.

Try it if you want to write even the articles don't write article in one go just write little and paste it on word file and paste whole article once you complete it. :blink:
Yes got it.. But no intentions right now to go for articles other than English language. But will try it in future.

Yes got it.. But no intentions right now to go for articles other than English language. But will try it in future.

But I have not seen your articles in English too recently. I think you are not writing much of the articles these days. :)
These days , yes may be not more, but I guess couple of weeks ago (may be more) I have written 2 or 3 articles..

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