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I know but last time 500 cash credit from article writing was must. And so far I haven't earned that much from article writing.. But yes I have to go for 2 to 3 articles per week starting from tomorrow. Hope so.

Good to know that you have crossed 500/ cash credit but I am still at 485 Rs and need just one article to cross it hope in next year I would fo that. :laugh:

Write one and get ready for the next one Sanjeev, am sure you will find it very rewarding not just the cash credits but the knowledge you gain as you research for the article ...all the best :)

Yes Usha I find it interesting when I write an article as many things we need to search for writing an article and there are many things which we come to know which are new for us but the time is the major constraint for me. I like to write articles but lack of time availabilty is not allowing me to do so. Hope to get some leisure time to write few articles this year. :)
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