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Every morning I sprinkled cow urine (added with water)around the house. My mother says, it is spiritually purify the premises.

It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Cow's urine is a natural detoxicant. That is why it has so many demands.
Every morning I sprinkled cow urine (added with water)around the house. My mother says, it is spiritually purify the premises.

It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

The practice of washing the front yard with a mixture of water and cow's urine, keeps the mosquitoes and flies away. It's a regular chore for a house wife in the mornings in my state AP.

Well, I didn't know that the cow urine keeps mosquitoes away. How is it used to do that? We also use the cow urine regularly, but never used that for mosquitoes. Can you please elaborate a bit?

Well, I didn't know that the cow urine keeps mosquitoes away. How is it used to do that? We also use the cow urine regularly, but never used that for mosquitoes. Can you please elaborate a bit?

Actually it is cow dung which act as mosquito repellant.
If demand for cow urine keeps on increasing this manner, then we will see its in pockets in super markets with packed date and expiry date as well.

Born to express, not to impress.
If demand for cow urine keeps on increasing this manner, then we will see its in pockets in super markets with packed date and expiry date as well.

It is already here in Tamil Nadu B)
If demand for cow urine keeps on increasing this manner, then we will see its in pockets in super markets with packed date and expiry date as well.

It is already here in Tamil Nadu B)

I am also from the same state Tamil Nadu. But I can't find it in pockets. Where is it available?

Born to express, not to impress.

I am also from the same state Tamil Nadu. But I can't find it in pockets. Where is it available?

Everywhere it is available in bottles.

I am also from the same state Tamil Nadu. But I can't find it in pockets. Where is it available?

Everywhere it is available in bottles.

Sorry. I have never seen those bottles in Madurai (hopmetown) and in Chennai (where I am working now.

Born to express, not to impress.
Very soon, some one from the west might file a patent for cow urine, same like happened with turmeric some time back!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

There are many uses of cow urine even it will help in curing cancer.

Welcome back Sasi. Long time to hear from you.
I have not heard of cow urine being useful for cancer. After your post i searched and found that its been under trial in cancer now.
Thanks for your info :cheer:

Yes Arun even scietists are making daily tests on this they got in to conclusion due to this you can cure cancer.

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