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rambabu wrote:

Artists are a separate breed by themselves. They have the ability to see beyond obvious .

They see things through different angle and do things extraordinary.

Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
rambabu wrote:

Artists are a separate breed by themselves. They have the ability to see beyond obvious .

They see things through different angle and do things extraordinary.


There is a saying that Where Sunrays fail to reach, creative peoples' thoughts reach. This explains all.


Absolutely! Creativity makes people from others and make them extraordinary. This is why I want my kids to learn something which is not so common among people.

Sanjeev Gupta wrote:

Absolutely! Creativity makes people from others and make them extraordinary. This is why I want my kids to learn something which is not so common among people.


A good idea. But you should observe if the children have an inclination for Arts.


Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
AKP wrote:

That is good.

I tried to fined out something. And this is what I got from some onion festival.


Yes there are lot of unusual things which may have not imagined. Good art people in this world are more talented we may not know..



True... AS I said.. They all need talent. After that they can do those kind of things with anything.


Talent is not inborn quality. It can be cultivated. One can rise to any exetent.

One of my friend does this kind of arts but on pencils. It is quite amazing to see such miniatures.

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

Whatever may be medium, it's the quality that makes the viewers spell bound matters.

Yesterday itself i went to necklace road and there one person was writing some names on rice grains and putting them in to a small test tube like thing and poured some liquid into it for it to make it visible. It is a good thing to keep in our homes i guess... In the shelfes, somethings like these are to be kept

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

Of course, rare things like the artistic pieces you said are keep worthy .

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