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Yes. I have kindle. First of all I will be checking in my library. Because its easy for me to read a book.

I have read and studied the quaitrains of Nostradamus as well as written extensively on them. They are ambiguous and open to interpretation anyway you want them. His forecasts are all hogwash.

Like in Palmistry and astrology Nostradamus predictions also open to interpretation. In such cases there will be always two views one opposing the other. I too believe Nostradamus predictions stand to no logic or rationale.


The only correct predictions are enshrined in the Bhrigue Samita, a portion of which is available at Hoshiarpur. They are simply astounding as my horoscope was found there with my father and grandfather name.

Nostradamus was built up by western writers. The Bhavishya Puran is 100 times more accurate and it even forecast arrival of Muhammad

It's a question of belief and faith on these predictions. I for one neither believe nor dis believe in these predictions. The reason is if some prediction forecasts an evil news, this makes me more sick than the evil predicted by the astrologer. It robs away my mental peace and makes me spend sleepless nights. I opine that whatever is going to happen will happen. It's not in your hands to escape. Why should my wreck my life for a happening that's going to take place in future right from now?

 I take the life as it comes to me.


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