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I don't know whether he is God or not but at least he has done lots of good social work...
After demise of Sathya si Baba, Puttaparthi may also get same pilgrimage status as Shidi.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


Actually these avatrs are creating problems as any one can claim as avatar.

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Actually these avatrs are creating problems as any one can claim as avatar.

Anyone claiming avatar is no problem as long as others do not accept him. Some individuals successfully claim their avatarhood and our political leaders, eminent sports persons etc. even touch their feet. The common people also are duped. It is unfortunate that the forces of siperstition and deception are strong. The rational and Scientific minded people are in hopeless minority. Even great Scientists and doctors are involved in boosting image of these so called avatars.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

He was one of the most popular spiritual leaders of the present time in India and had millions of followers, hats off to him....May his soul rest in peace...
In spite of several controversies, Sai Baba was a symbol of universal brotherhood and national unity. He emphasized egalitarian values.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

many miracles, manifestations and materializations are associated with the name and form of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

There are many visitors to Puttaparthy. The locals have good business. But they are not sure whether the devotees will again visit.

Meanwhile, the Trustees have many questions to answer. These include prior arrangement of coffin and medical attendance.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Before starting saying anything i would like to disclose the meaning of "god". I have read on the forums many saying that he is not god but many people believe that he is. I do not agree with this and someeven say that how do god die? I would like to say you even Lord Krishna left his body . I think they should pretty read the puranas and then criticise anyone. I do not know much about Saibaba and i am not even eligible to talk about him because he is a great legendary personality. Think of the politicians and bada money makers here. They are making tonnes of money here and are they doing anything for the society? Even the politicians grab the money into their swiss accounts here. The rayalaseema region did not have enough drinking water . It is only because of Satyasaibaba that the people of this region are drionking pure wateer. I do not know whether he is a spiritual person or not but he is sure god for me. I am an engineering student of first year in hyderabad with a life experience of just 19 years so I can not tell much about these things . But the actual meaning of god that people taught me around is " one who strives for the reduction of others sorrows and feels that they are his problems" . So definitely Srisatyasaibaba is god and he is such an avatar of whom we are not eligible to talk off even. Finally do anything for the society instead of criticizing anyone
Before starting saying anything i would like to disclose the meaning of "god". I have read on the forums many saying that he is not god but many people believe that he is. I do not agree with this and someeven say that how do god die? I would like to say you even Lord Krishna left his body . I think they should pretty read the puranas and then criticise anyone. I do not know much about Saibaba and i am not even eligible to talk about him because he is a great legendary personality. Think of the politicians and bada money makers here. They are making tonnes of money here and are they doing anything for the society? Even the politicians grab the money into their swiss accounts here. The rayalaseema region did not have enough drinking water . It is only because of Satyasaibaba that the people of this region are drionking pure wateer. I do not know whether he is a spiritual person or not but he is sure god for me. I am an engineering student of first year in hyderabad with a life experience of just 19 years so I can not tell much about these things . But the actual meaning of god that people taught me around is " one who strives for the reduction of others sorrows and feels that they are his problems" . So definitely Srisatyasaibaba is god and he is such an avatar of whom we are not eligible to talk off even. Finally do anything for the society instead of criticizing anyone

God is by definition an entity who is invisible, shapeless, everywhere and all powerful. In this meaning, any human being is not God. If you give different meaning, this will be confusing. Every noble and good person cannot be termed God. However, I feel that God, its definition and related beliefs are matter of different meanings and we shall not arrive at any meaningful conclusion by discussing these aspects of religion. Moreover there are many religions with various interpretations of God, Satan, universe etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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