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Thats really very bad and shame on all humans... No species kill its own species..... but for bad luck, this happens only in humans!!!!!

Its a shame... very horrible situation!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Her action has to be seen in the light of the fact that she was a mentally deranged person acting in a fit of lunacy.
Believe me some tribal communities have a culture of celebrating the death of their dear ones on the pretext of sending spirits to the heaven happily.

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its really very bad. I think this is not love this is cruel example of hate. That type of people is like Rakshas of kalyug so they must be finished first.

very horrible situation!!!
Mohammed Fouzen. These are not devils (rakshas) but psychic patients and need be medically treated. We should always be cautious of such individuals.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

very cruel indeed. If she is psychic then what about there friemds ? they too?
I think this topic has been sufficiently discussed and dissected to be closed now.What do you think?
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She invited many but it is not known whether any accepted her invitation. If any attended her party, he is also psychic. All these need medical check up. Those in good health need punishment and others psychic treatment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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