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Earthquake are the natural disaster.We have no control over this.If we should have control over this we should not let any people to lost their lives.

They can't be controlled. But their arrival can be known before hand. Fore warning will make the people alert and disaster ready,
any thing can be controlled or people can escape from anything, except from earth quake.

Natural calamities are predictable. In the western countries, experts can very well predict the date and time of cyclones. Likewise earthquakes and floods are also predictable. Hence red alert is given to many places. This helps them to evacuate the place before time of incidence. In few cases, sudden calamities remain undetected by the experts and the instruments. Such unpredictable calamities are hazardous for both life and property.
any thing can be controlled or people can escape from anything, except from earth quake.

Natural calamities are predictable. In the western countries, experts can very well predict the date and time of cyclones. Likewise earthquakes and floods are also predictable. Hence red alert is given to many places. This helps them to evacuate the place before time of incidence. In few cases, sudden calamities remain undetected by the experts and the instruments. Such unpredictable calamities are hazardous for both life and property.

Natural calamities are avoidable in the world. We can excel in technological (Scientific) advancements. But No one can compete with nature.

Born to express, not to impress.
Good bless the souls of those who are dead. These days natural calamities, storms and tsunamis are on the rise primarily due to global warming and pollution. :(

Mala Jaiswar
Good bless the souls of those who are dead. These days natural calamities, storms and tsunamis are on the rise primarily due to global warming and pollution. :(

Some animals like Birds & Dogs have the ability to predict natural disasters like Earth Quake, Tsunami etc well in advance.

Born to express, not to impress.
Every year China,Japan, Gujarat and many other states face these disaster.But this time the people of China suffered a lot.Really their condition is very miserable.

In Japan they know that earth quakes are frequent there so they make their houses in such a manner that they will have less damage if it comes. :)

But with all that Japan had one of the worst Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami which caused an enormous amount of damage, they could bounce back probably only because their economy is so strong ! It is impossible to do anything against natures fury except take as many precautions as is humanly possible ..

Yes, their economy is quite strong but more than that they are a strong and resolute people and more importantly, very disciplined and methodical in their approach towards anything. They are very well prepared for such situations and hence even though the destruction was of great magnitude during the recent Tsunami, loss of lives was quite small in comparison. An old friend of mine was posted in Japan during the very crisis and he said that they have very strict and regular drills of what to do and where to go in such events. Such disciplined approach is lacking inj our country where the quakes are common.

Yes , there is absolutely no comparison between Japan and for that matter any of the developed countries and India.Everything is haphazard here and more importantly we don't even have a system where we remain prepared for disaster.Even the available mechanism does not function when it is most needed...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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