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The euphoria seems to have died down of late, may be looking for fresh issues....Either way, they have a long way to go before the elections and to make an impact if that is possible !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

All that Kejriwal may get is a few seats in parliament and state legislature. This will not give him dominant position. It will be more difficult for him to operate from within parliament. Owing to his way of work, he will be often dragged out by marshals in parliament. Obviously, he cannot collect mob in parliament.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hmm.. what is your expectations from a political party like Kejriwal's that strongly act against corruption and bad doings by the politicians???

An exercise in futility.
All that Kejriwal may get is a few seats in parliament and state legislature. This will not give him dominant position. It will be more difficult for him to operate from within parliament. Owing to his way of work, he will be often dragged out by marshals in parliament. Obviously, he cannot collect mob in parliament.

Kejriwal's is a cry in wilderness and a distant dream
Two things which can make any party rule is development and welfare of India. People would prefer a party who will reduce inflation, provide employment and develop India.
Two things which can make any party rule is development and welfare of India. People would prefer a party who will reduce inflation, provide employment and develop India.

The Kejriwal group is yet to formally organize a political party and prepare policy on all matters of governance. Simply parroting anti corruption mantra does not suffice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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