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Nothing unexpected. In no way they would have supported the NDA as they would have risked losing their vote bank. Also, I am sure they must have worked out a deal with the government.

Indian politics at its sickeningly dirtiest phase! :huh: :huh:
Nothing unexpected. In no way they would have supported the NDA as they would have risked losing their vote bank. Also, I am sure they must have worked out a deal with the government.

For major decisions like this, they usually have everything worked out beforehand and under- the- table deals already in place!! I only wonder whose interests they really have in their hearts seeing that Walmart itself had been in huge debts until very recently.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Nothing unexpected. In no way they would have supported the NDA as they would have risked losing their vote bank. Also, I am sure they must have worked out a deal with the government.

For major decisions like this, they usually have everything worked out beforehand and under- the- table deals already in place!! I only wonder whose interests they really have in their hearts seeing that Walmart itself had been in huge debts until very recently.

The result is tragically funny! We heard more parties spoke in favor of the motion than the ones speaking against, yet minority voices won! Skulduggery of the worst kind perpetrated on this nation!
This thread has no more relevance now hence closed. Why should we worry if they are having fun.

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