Schoolboy dies after being beaten up by teacher in UP

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Another bad and unfortunate fact.
They are not teachers but Rakkhas.
This is extremely sad as teachers are the ones whom kids trust more like their parents and these sort of incidence ruin their image. :blink:
Oh my God, Ya now a days are teachers are being very rude. Such things happened in AP also. So CM personally passed a rule. That is, if any teacher go behind the limit in beating children immediately that teacher will be arrested

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This type of cases are not new now-a-days and it is very sad to know that teachers believe beating and harassing is a way to teach things to children. :(
This type of incidents we never use to hear in the past decade I think, teachers were treated next to parents, but this days these type of incidents we hear very offen. When teachers can't handle kids then why do they take up the profession of a teacher

I think there some law, that teacher can't beat the student, otherwise a strong action would be taken. So, in this case, a very strong action should be there.

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I think there some law, that teacher can't beat the student, otherwise a strong action would be taken. So, in this case, a very strong action should be there.

Such tragedy arises because of improper punishment system. On paper, there is no punishment. But there are occasions when students need correction. The teachers thrash students in a haphazard manner leading to severe injury or even death. This is a very serious matter.

In fact, proper punishment system is necessary. There should be prescribed procedure for punishment. Only headmaster/ Principal should be authorized to decide the punishment and quantum and this would be executed by Principal himself or selected teacher. Best punishment is to cane on palms or behinds of student. Punishment should not be spontaneous arising of angry outburst.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Ronark Bhardwaj
UP teachers are just horrible.Why this type of teacher are appointed in school.The teacher should be punished for that.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Such a horrible thing to happen ! Looks like some teachers take the proverb spare the rod and spoil the child literally.
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