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It may shock Indians especially those living in Mumbai and Delhi who feel that living in those cities is definitely not cheap, but this is what the statistics show taking into account many factors like consumer goods,transport,clothing among others ( 160 items in all )
Tokyo, Zurich, Singapore,Sydney were some of the most expensive cities in the world !

I have very serious doubts about the finding especially Mumbai!!!

Yes I too am unable to believe this since living in Mumbai is not cheap by any standards, house rents are one of the most expensive in the world..

But even though the housing in Mumbai is far from what anyone can afford, the transportation, food and vegetables etc. are much cheaper than what we get in Pune. There is a lot of other stuff too that is far more cheaper than other cities. Its the basic housing that is terribly expensive.

Yes shopping in Mumbai is great since you get just about everything and in abundance , be it food, clothing , accessories, books,music or anything for that matter...I have a feeling it is only these items that have been considered while making that assessment !

Probably only those considerations may have been used in the survey since they affect a common man more than other factors. If it were the housing costs, then Mumbai would be at the top of the list, definitely in the first five slot! As per my knowledge, a tiny 1BHK flat with a square foot area of only about 300 costs about one 80-90 lakhs!

If I go broke paying rent of an exorbitant kind what am I left with to fill my stomach!!!
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Don't worry, the food is quite cheap, only make sure you don't enter the swanky hotels, but stick to the roadside taparis! The food is tasty too! :evil: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Port Blair is an expensive city for Indian tourists, but for the foreigners it is very cheap like Nepal and Bangladesh tour to Indians are.

Port Blair survives probably only on Tourism and the best things that it has to offer definitely comes with a price! I am not sure although all foreigners can be categorized as rich. Most of them really travel on budget and make no hassles about all kinds of fancy facilities!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Port Blair is an expensive city for Indian tourists, but for the foreigners it is very cheap like Nepal and Bangladesh tour to Indians are.

Port Blair survives probably only on Tourism and the best things that it has to offer definitely comes with a price! I am not sure although all foreigners can be categorized as rich. Most of them really travel on budget and make no hassles about all kinds of fancy facilities!

Exactly ! The ultra rich , one hardly get to see them since they are travelling first or club class, staying in 5 star hotels and using private taxi services while abroad - but this is a minute percentage.The vast majority of the people who travel are mostly lower,middle and upper income middle class...They have to carefully budget their travels..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Port Blair is an expensive city for Indian tourists, but for the foreigners it is very cheap like Nepal and Bangladesh tour to Indians are.

Port Blair survives probably only on Tourism and the best things that it has to offer definitely comes with a price! I am not sure although all foreigners can be categorized as rich. Most of them really travel on budget and make no hassles about all kinds of fancy facilities!

Exactly ! The ultra rich , one hardly get to see them since they are travelling first or club class, staying in 5 star hotels and using private taxi services while abroad - but this is a minute percentage.The vast majority of the people who travel are mostly lower,middle and upper income middle class...They have to carefully budget their travels..

Yes. Actually it is only Indians and other Asians who wait until they are rich enough to travel abroad! The other foreigners start traveling even when they have little or no money. One of our colleagues we used to work with, his elder daughter the day she turned 18, started taking up short term summer jobs as a nanny, governess, English tutor etc. so that she could accompany wealthy families to places such as Paris, New York, Rome etc and babysit their children to earn money as well!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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