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Now the entire world salutes Modi, Obama has called and personally invited Modi to The White House and China is ready to do business with him , Nawaz Sharief inviting him to Pakistan and so on...
Historically China is prefer to NDA than UPA due to Dalai Lama issues which BJP never supports and thinks intrusion into affairs of another nation. Australia PM invited him of G20 summit.

China and all oter countries have to deal with the govt. elected by people. They have no choice. China as well as other countries have their own national interests and act accordingly. We don't know whether there will be any change in India's foreigb policy. Let first govt. be installed and let them make some policy statement after assuming office.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now the entire world salutes Modi, Obama has called and personally invited Modi to The White House and China is ready to do business with him , Nawaz Sharief inviting him to Pakistan and so on...
Historically China is prefer to NDA than UPA due to Dalai Lama issues which BJP never supports and thinks intrusion into affairs of another nation. Australia PM invited him of G20 summit.

China and all oter countries have to deal with the govt. elected by people. They have no choice. China as well as other countries have their own national interests and act accordingly. We don't know whether there will be any change in India's foreigb policy. Let first govt. be installed and let them make some policy statement after assuming office.

Policy statements and other administrative policies will follow once the new government swears in. There may be drastic changes or they may follow the past governments.Anyhow these things will shape up in due course.
Modi is a workholic, sleeping only for 4 hours at night , taking time to respond to all his twitter messages, updating his schedule on twitter even when he was taking part in camapigns all over the nation - honestly the man is amazing ! With these traits and also being time conscious he is bound to do a lot for the nation...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Modi is a highly individualistic personality who makes his own path. A non believer in basking in other's glory. A hard working result oriented man.
The next assignment of Amit Shah probably at Maharashtra which will be going for assembly vote soon. It is from news paper reports not confirmed.

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