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True. The reason is crow is a commonly seen bird.  Rk sees uncommon things in commonly seen things. Thats his uniqueness. I have seen his collection of drawings of crows.

He lampooned Nehru mercilessly and Nehru asked for the originals many times. Just now I saw an interview wherein he says he enjoyed drawing Nehru and the latter never took offence. Could Laxman have been allowed to do cartoons in today's times and leaders. 

Today's leaders and politicians are not as broad hearted as Pandit ji.

Also, RK Laxman has probably made a cartoon for every politician, also a tv show was aired based on his famous cartoons.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Many books and many TV shows came out on his works. No personaliy political or otherwise escaped from his sharp brush.

Great cartoonist. His Malgudi days drawings and asian paints drawings are very popular. First he rejected by jj college of arts and later  invited by them as a chief guest. He received padma bhusan and padma vibushan.

No reward is bigger for this virtuoso.

RK Laxman very cleverly analyzed political personalities with the use of his witty cartoons. He will always remain alive through his tremendous contribution.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Which why critics acclaimed him as.' Very few understood the satirical cartoonism. RK is one of them.'

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