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What the hell are these sites and Pakistan up to! I personally condemn any attempts to play with the religious sentiments of the people and at the same time I find the Pakistani action to be childish and counter-productive.
Yes by banning the sites they are just stopping communication with other shouldnt be the solution. Religion cannt be blamed by anyone...these groups are just to attract traffic to put some heated argument..It is clear that no one will tolerate their religion being blamed so by taking this point the groups are created with insulting pictures..
Reporting to facebook can not help as previously some indians tried to remove a group in facebook with name fuck india... :angry:
These are basically cheap gimmicks and sick ploy to boost up the popularity of a site but I can not understand why a site as popular as facebook has to resort to them!
They should have asked google to Stop the competition instead of blocking the channels. But they are so arrogant that they don't even bother to do that. Some people never change
Abid- You told actual believers are tolerant. You could be right. But the fact remains that Pakistan is not tolerant as site after site is being targeted and banned.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Pakistan is a country which has been in the news for all the wrong reasons.Although it proclaims to be an Islamist state,its role in giving Islam a bad name merits serious consideration.
Chinmoy- Primarily this is not religious issue. This is rather a matter of freedom of expression that is denied by an undemocratic regime.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

better throw all this shit followers to desert arabia, they don't belong to civilized and educated world
The talks are going on with Indian Govt. to ban facebook in India too.

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