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I would say once again that people need to exercise their democratic right to vote more judiciously in electing their representatives!
But there are people who sell their votes for money.It is very much pathetic to see such a situation in a democratic country like India. :(
Ours is a democracy but a flawed one! The right to recall an MP or MLA can go a long way in eliminating this practice of switching loyalty!
BJP government wins trust vote in Karnataka
Another drama has unfolded with its winning the trust vote!Why is the governor of the state behaving like a slave of the Congress Party!
Politics is full of drama.We public are mere donkeys in that drama!

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These politicians have no other work rather than staging these kinds of dramas.... shame on them....
Time has come to publicly flog them to bring them back to their senses!!
Time has come very very long back but people are still expecting that they may change..which is impossible.
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