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I think odd one is Opal.Rest of the things are used in making ornaments.
Hi Jasmeet and Meean..

All of the items, except gold are considered gemstones, so it is gold which is the odd one...

Next one:
prime, about, alone, hymn, stone
Is stone the odd word? I think except stone all other words are verbs.But iam not sure about the word prime.
Next question is

Rin, Wheel, 555, Lux

So guess which one is odd............

Santosh Kumar Singh


I know the answer for sure. Lux is the odd one as it is a soap and the other ones are washing detergents.
Right Meen

Next question is

Pink, Ink, Red ,Green.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The old one is Ink

Because Pink,red and Green are colors.........
I think the answer 'ink' is right
The odd one in prime, about, alone, hymn, stone is hymn as it is the only 4 letter word and also the only word with no vowel.

Howeve ,am not sure how many are verbs

Anyway next questions is:

ghee, butter, milk, curd, pongal
I think odd one is pongal

its festival.

Next question is

Beef, Meat, Chicken, Finger.

Santosh Kumar Singh


finger is the answer for this

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