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16. In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24%. Today it is not even 1%. In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30%. Today it is about 7%. What happened to the missing Hindus?
Looks like some sort of Riddle.. :) Is it related to GK maybe in J&K
No Rajani, its not GK but a brutal truth!! Most of them have been executed on various charges and remaining few have managed to escape with no money, no homes! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Today astronauts can spice up their meals with salt and pepper—in liquid form. Sprinkled grains would float away, tickling noses and clogging vents.
I thought they may be killed but then again though why the hell kill their own citizens but forgot that they are pakistanies who hate indians.. :( That is really upsetting news kalyani..Havent known this before..Why didnt any actions were taken about killing such a huge number of people..
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]Today astronauts can spice up their meals with salt and pepper—in liquid form. Sprinkled grains would float away, tickling noses and clogging vents.[/quote]

That is really surprising one..liquid is it possible..
Squirrels accidentally plant millions of trees, as they bury their nuts and forget where they are. Aren't they more sensible than humans?? :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Is really sensible than human..Interest information .. :cheer:
Today's date is 15th august, Independence day..
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the idiom "baker's dozen" and its signify... :)
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