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Teachers shouldn't even be able to allowed to hit kids no matter what the student does.
Hitting a student = assault.
As far as my knowledge goes corporal punishment in educational institutions has been banned and a cognizable offence now.
Yes that is really necessary as in some case the punishments are really very severe..teacher should have ethics and principle which should help in giving knowledge to students. GURU BHRAHMA, GURU VISHNU, GURU DEVO MAHASWARAHA...
Guru is compared to all these three gods ..this shows that how important his role is in characterising a child. :)
I totally agree with what deepti said. There should be a change in the education system. The schools must not tax the students and pressurise them to score good marks in exams. People consider scoring good marks is directly propotional to the intelligence. It is not true.
Also, every teacher is the mother or father of another child. So, they should change their mindset and stop hurting and beating children. :)

It's desirable but in real life unfortunately it is not practised and a father or a mother who is otherwise considerate and full of care in relation to his or her son or daughter, is not so in relation to other children.It's one of the paradoxes of life.
one can't say who has been more deteriorated....

it depends upon the teacher or students........
sajee now every one going to interest on this topic....................
We had a nice discussion! Thanks for all your response guys!!
hmmm..tough question Sajee... :)

i think it depends upon the individual... :)
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