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Back to the drawing board.

Start again on a new design-after a failure of an earlier attempt.

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Back room boy.

One who works in anonymity in an organization while others take on more public roles.

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Bring home the bacon.

To earn money, especially money for ones family,to be successful,especially financially successful.

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In someone's bad books.

To be in disgrace or out of favour.

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A bad egg.

Some one or something that disappoints expectations.

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Bad hair day.

A day on which one's hair seems unmanageable.Also extended to mean a day when everything seems wrong.

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The balance of power.

The distribution of power between nations in such a way that no single state has dominance over the others.

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The balance of trade.

The difference between the value of the imports and exports that a nation makes.

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Bale out/Bail out

Various meanings,including making an emergency parachute escape from an aeroplane and ladling water from a boat.

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Ball and chain.

A 20 th century slang term,meaning wife.

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