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Love holds no bounds.But too much blind in mad can spoil everything.So one must love madly but within its limit.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Madness is different and obsession is different. What you have written with example is obsession. I agree that obsession is also a type of madness and but the one which can related with mental disorder. It is the love hormones which make you behave as such.
I want to see mad in love as a positive feeling. As Devu told, it should never lead to obsession.
Love can change any person....he begin to do good things, good discipline in life and begins to dream good for future. Everything is good.......only if it's under limit!!!

Meera sandhu
I want to see mad in love as a positive feeling. As Devu told, it should never lead to obsession.
Love can change any person....he begin to do good things, good discipline in life and begins to dream good for future. Everything is good.......only if it's under limit!!!

Limiting means planning. Love is not planned. This just happens. If this is acute, madness follows. You know Laila majnoo love story. The love lasted even when Majnoo was stoned.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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