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Today a total stranger called me up using the personal information I had provided to Boddunan when I joined this site. I was shocked. How do I remove such personal info? I could not find it on my profile page, so please do something about it. I will be grateful, if need be, please deactivate my account as I am not active.

Deepa it is not possible to any others to delete your information, since you are able to log in without any issues, just go to My Profile and delete all the personal information you have provided. At present there is no facility of deleting account!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Bhusanji why you want to delete your account.Any way if you want so you can pm to admin.

Sharmistha Banerjee
this is a two years old thread and he is not working. So why this thread is in track Now?
this is a two years old thread and he is not working. So why this thread is in track Now?

You are right, none of the members who asked it active any more so no use of keeping the thread going.

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