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Here are the numbers...

Boddunan.Com Estimated Worth $19315.8 USD

Daily Pageview 8241
Daily Ads Revenue $26.46

Thanks 'n' Regards,
hey deepthi from were u got the details ?
one of our friend have given seen the site name...
I have seen that site and got the numbers.....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Please give a detail how this can be known because if we knows the income from other sites also it would be better.

Visit my blogs:
Abid if you click the alexa icon on the left of the page on boddunan showing number of online users. You will get all the details relating to this site and all other sites too.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Hello Santosh.
This websiteoutlook is a fake site.

This shows you all false information.

I have create a site

check status of this site and it will show you some ads reenue.

but I have not add any advertisement there.

They just expect and guess from the content of the site but actual earning will be very very less
Do not worry Arsh... All the required details will be provided by the moderator at the time of announcing the Revenue share....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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