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Thanks Soubhagya. Ya this pic took 45 minutes for getting ready. Wanna see this pic on the home of web site. Let see.
Good work lohit. Can we use it on a special occasion like children day etc?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thanks , Sir I made this pic for boddunan. So you can use it at any time on boddunan. No need to ask me for this.
Good work Lohit. You have good talent too.... make use of this talent :) All the best.

I give you 8 out of 10

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I will give you 9/10...really that's a good work..

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
When I saw the pic at this time I felt it good for a child related site.When gone through replies Maverick asked related to same!!!I appreciate your work

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