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Its depends on the perceiverance of people's
thanks pradeep.bolisetty

Count: 11
Individual Count: 7


To make a sudden unsteady movement and losing ur balance

Whenever he saw that girl his heart gave him a lurch

Next letter is "H"
Count: 12

Individual Count: 8

Het up

Meaning: being anxious

Rama is really het up about her exam result

Next letter "P"
Count: 13

Individual Count: 9


Meaning: an expression to show happpiness or tiredness over something
Use: phew! this work is finished
Count : 14

IC : 3

Meaning :

like a wag; roguish in merriment and good humor; jocular: Fielding and Sterne are waggish writers.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
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