Articles [Personal Care]

Generally, we take 3 litres water per day. now the thing is the time at which we take water is important. some of the tips to burn calories. 1->we must take 5-8 litres of water per day 2->early morning we must have 1 litre water before having...

The key to good health lies in a happy mind,  and happiness can be obtained when your mind is at peace.  I would not say just focus on being happy and ignore food, because while good food  is essential for a healthy body. happiness sustains our...

No one escapes criticism entirely.Often our careers,our emotional stability,our happiness depend on how we react to it. Criticism is a direct attack on your self-esteem.So it is easy to react with anger.But this just makes you more vulnerable.If...

Cosmetic reconstructive Surgery is also called reconstructive plastic surgery. The plastic reconstructive surgery is a specific branch within the large group of plastic surgeries in general. This type of surgery is performed on abnormal structures...

आजकल, हम विटामिन के बहुत शौकीन हो गए हैं. हम विभिन्न विटामिनों के प्रभाव से परिचित हैं. यहाँ मैं सिर्फ विटामिन ए के बारे में वर्णन कर रहा हूँ विटामिन ए मानव शरीर के लिए एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण  है. यह मुख्य रूप से दूध, मांस, मछली आदि यह जिगर में उच्च...

In the modern life  with full of stress and strain ,atmosphere pollution,bad eating habits. we often get some health problems which is  the side effect of  modern lifestyle .Our health problems are first reflected in our skin .The skin will respond...

Working on Computer with Glasses On: For the people with normal eyesight it is always so very easy to go wherever you want or do whatever you want. Nevertheless, if you have power in your eyes then you have to make adjustments with the different...

We are constantly bombarded with the idea that we must exercise more to enjoy a healthy life. There are a lot of product announcements "miracle" commanding naive people who think 5 minutes a day using a device out of a torture chamber will get a...

Best tips for a beautiful and healthy teeth!Our teeth chew into our lives about 18 tons food. This consists of 45 pigs, 4.5 kilometers from vegetarians or bread for poultry lovers of 10,000 chickens. Who keeps his teeth, will also invest in...

You must read  this............ before trying to drive at night, rain, fog Darkness, rain and fog on a very strict when driving. , So that you arrive, you should also pay attention to your eyes.Driving in the DunkelheitIn the dark season, it is...

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