Articles [Nature]

Earth is the one of planets that can fully and definitely support life because it has liquid water on its surface along with oxygen, carbon-di-oxide and others essential nutrients, minerals and resources that support life. But unfortunately man...

                         नैतिकता म्हणजे धर्म आहे का - फार महत्वाचा प्रश्न आहे. कारण नेहमीच असे समजले जाते की नैतिकता म्हणजे धर्म होय! सामाजिक परंपरेनुसार नीतीचा अर्थ काय होतो तर व्यभिचार न करणे, इतरांविषयी वाईट न चिंतने, इर्षा न बाळगणे वैगरे.....

Global warming is  increase in the average temperature of earth. We have to take steps to reduce pollution in Earth. Some tips to reduce  make our environment healthy. 1. Reduce using fuel vehical. Use bi-Cycle.2. Avoid using plastic covers.3. Try...

Pollution in air, Pollution on earth, Pollution in water, Sound pollution, these are all damaged environment. By this reason ozone thin. These effects are danger to human. Suffered Not only men but also sufferings birds and animals. Mainly lungs...

Deserts are arid lands. There is very little rainfall. It is very hot during the day and very cold at night. There is very little water, there is hardly any vegetation. In the some places xerophytes, like the cactus, can be seen. Xerophytes are...

in these days so many news are  coming about the  2012 . that world is going to finish in this year some news channels made it hype in public they are creating so much  fear amongst the people , its not good for public who have some  phobia about...

We will have many uses with a multi purpose project 1) Controlling of floods 2) Supplying water to the fields and drinking 3) Production hydro-electricity 4) Promoting tourism 5) Providing navigation 6) Fish production Some largest...

Now a day’s much and more attention is being paid all over the world to the protection of man’s environment on which human existence depends. By environment is meant those natural things that surround us – such as the earth’s atmosphere, healthy...

Here was very little movement of the people during the day as the temperature touched 48 degree cilices. The heat had spoiled the climate. The trees and plants were dry. Children, Men and women were suffering from sun heat. Summer at its climax,...

Some important great buildings and bridges The facts about are some wonderful buildings and bridges. Easy (for river and valley crossings) travel from the bridges The Sydney Harbor Bridge is some times nicknamed the coat hanger because of its...

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