Many of us rush to take medicines when we fall ill. But correct eating save you from much illness. This is why good food is called the best medicine.

Our food should contain vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water in the proper proportion. Our food must be clean and property cooked. We should drink lots of water. We also need fruits and vegetables. But we should wash all vegetables and fruits before we eat them.

Vitamin A keeps away cold and maintains health of the mucous membrane and skin. Good amounts of vitamins A are found in dark-green and yellow leafy vegetables and fruits like spinach, squash, carrots, peaches, and apricots.

Vitamin B is essential or the nervous system and for proper utilization of carbohydrates and fats. Good source of vitamin B are found in all grains, food yeasty, legumes, peanuts, green peas, potatoes and fruits such as bananas, apples.

Vitamin C is essential for normal body growth and maintenance. It helps to keep bones and teeth healthy. It is found in good amounts in citrus fruits as grapefruit, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, radishes and potatoes.

Vitamin D is essential for growth, normal development and promoting the best use of phosphorus and calcium for bones and teeth. Good source of vitamin D are sunshine, milk and egg yolk.

Calcium contributes to the strength and rigidity of teeth and bones. It is also needed in soft tissues. It is found in milk, green leafy vegetables and dry fruits.

We get energy starch. We get starch from sugar, potato, sweet potato and food grains.

Fats give us energy to work and play. We get fats from oil, ghee, butter groundnuts, milk and coconuts.

Proteins help to repair and build a healthy body. Protein is mainly obtained from fish, meat, eggs, grams, pea, wheat and seed coats.

Phosphorus is found in whole grains and eggs. Iron, a blood builder, is needed as a regular for other body functions. Good supplies of iron are found in whole grain, dry fruits, dry legumes and green vegetables.

Water is the main constituent of our body. It helps in the digestion of food.




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