Laziness is the slow poison for human. Because if you postpone any work, it creates many side effects. If you become ill, you have to chance to postpone the work. It is not bad. But some people, postpone the work cause of laziness. They set alarm for wake up. The important thing is, they switch off the alarm and continue their sleep. In that situation they give importance to sleep.

Yes! sleep is essential for health. you have to set proper time limit for sleeping. Medicine world told that 8 hours is enough for good sleep. Why some people make undiscipline sleeping habits? There are many reasons. Cause of hardworking, they get pain in their body. So they continue sleep in abnormal manner. But it affects next day's work. We should aware of one day's work will not affect another day's good work. Sleeping not only taking rest. It is the medium for getting power for next day's meaningful work.

Some people using alchocol before they get sleep. It is very bad habit. Because they affect by alchocol and get laziness in next day action. some people are there. They have no serious in any matter. They keep jolly mood and doing things with carelessness. But it affects their future life.

How to avoid laziness? Using good hobbies is the best remedy for avoid laziness. Because we love our hobbies than our regular work. So, prior to work, we follow some hobbies such as singing, dancing, reading good stories, gardening, etc.

Some occassions, it also make good talent. In future that hobbies may become our main work.

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