How to stay happily married? This is the biggest question for most of the couples who are married. In today’s world most of the marriages are going either in annulment or divorce or most dangerous situation that is domestic violence. Most of the celebrity marriages in Hollywood are breaking. Most of them go to family counselor who just analyses them on basis of their behavior to some of his question instead of analyzing their ability to grow and let your partner grow in the relationship. Marriage is like stretchable rubber band the more you stretch the more elasticity until a time comes to its maximum stretch level where more pressure applied it breaks.


I hope to pinpoint the common elements that characterize them. These would include the ability of the husband and wife:

1) To communicate with each other,


2) To be close and mutually interdependent,


3) To meet each other’s practical and emotional needs,


4) To work and play together, and to plan, meet and solve their problems cooperatively and peacefully,


5) To share the duties and pleasures of parenthood,


6) To take pride and pleasure in each other’s accomplishments and sense of self esteem,


7) Not to be self – centered as a couple, but to be productive members of their community as individuals and as a couple,


8) To respect each other’s views, not to look upon a difference in opinion as criticism or loss of love,


9) To argue without quarreling and to settle arguments without prolonged periods of hostility or estrangement .A happy marriage does not necessarily mean one that is altogether devoid of any problems or conflicts.


10) To cultivate a sense of humour. To enjoy holidays together.




I feel the couples who follow most of these golden rules will have a strong relationship and also the saying will correctly apply that “Marriages are made in heaven”.

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