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It was never compulsory to upload photo and bio, but the moderators and editors of the site were supposed to post bio and photos which was done earlier. However the site underwent many changes and upgradation later on and these bios and photos were removed and never uploaded back. But I agree that all members who submit articles SHOULD have a short bio and a photo to make this site appear more authentic and credible.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes, this is compulsory at most major writing sites. I hope Admin will start the ball rolling on this suggestion.

It should be mandatory. This really adds a great value to the site or else it seems the site is not genuinely and sincerely handled. Hope the admin gives it a thought! 


Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:

It was never compulsory to upload photo and bio, but the moderators and editors of the site were supposed to post bio and photos which was done earlier. However the site underwent many changes and upgradation later on and these bios and photos were removed and never uploaded back. But I agree that all members who submit articles SHOULD have a short bio and a photo to make this site appear more authentic and credible.

Not only articles but members participating in any category should have bio, city and a photo. We should know that we are dealing with humans and not bots. Some members participate only in voting and clicking at articles, certainly not good for this site. 

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar

I think it is pertinent & important to note this point & if possible to add it into the TOS so that whenever a person registers, it will become mandatory to write a brief about himself & upload a photo to give genuineness & a welcoming sense to new readers & writers. It will put this site into the next rung of the ladder of websites.

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

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