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Forgiveness is not only a gift that you give to others, but most importantly a gift you give to yourself....
"When you stop trying to control everything then nothing will have the power to control you"

David Robinson.

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There are tow great days in a persons life.The day we are born and the day we prove why we are born.Best wishes for the second one.

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Always think of a way to add value to peoples life.It makes them not only happy but also makes them realize you have the power to make a difference in their life.

Yemi Onikoyi

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You need not be a victim of your circumstances.If you believe you are a victor,yes that is what you will be.

Moses O.Olayefa.

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Yesterday has passed... Tomorrow is future.. Today is a gift that is motivation driven...So keep your destination fueled... So the wheels keep spinning.

Chad E.Hardy..

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If what's on my mind isn't from my hear...May be i should not be following it with my feet.


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every day ,try to make a person happy.Very soon you will find that your live has become full of happiness.

Shailu singh

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Heres how life was designed we can dream at night and we were given the choice and ability to make our dreams come true during the day.

Pete Zafra

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be confidence and try to finish your work decided by you .
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