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A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, Ignore it, or offer your own version in return...
Faith is knowledge within the heart beyond the reach of proof.....
-- Kahlil Gibran.
Brevity is soul of wit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Life is all about creating oneself and ones creation always starts with good thought and intention....
Coins always make sound,
But the currency notes are always silent,
When your value increases,
Keep yourself Calm N Silent..

Never Explain Yourself to Anyone Because The person Who Likes YOU Doesn't Need It. And The Person Who Dislikes YOU Wont believe it

It takes a long time to build a fame for yourself and it takes much less time to ruin your fame, if you think over it you will surely going to do different and meaningful things in your life..
Have you ever noticed that Rolls Royce & Bentley don't have commercials? Reason: they know the value of their product & that brings customers to them. Lesson: When you know your value you don't have to beg people to be your friend, mate, to stay friends with you, to spend time with you, or to love you. Be confident in who you are. NOT EVERYONE CAN HANDLE LUXURY!;)
The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.
Life is not a bed of roses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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