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Yes too many carrots is not healthy for health. I had studied this in the news paper. Because it contains carotin which is good when taken in small quantity.

Ok... Carotin is something which can't be taken Too much.

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But taking of carrots helps fight with the cancer cells.

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But taking of carrots helps fight with the cancer cells.

Does Carotin Helps??

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But taking of carrots helps fight with the cancer cells.

Does Carotin Helps??

Excess of carotene like 30mg/day or more has higher chance of getting lung cancer especially in smokers. This is according to some clinical trial.
But taking of carrots helps fight with the cancer cells.

Does Carotin Helps??

Excess of carotene like 30mg/day or more has higher chance of getting lung cancer especially in smokers. This is according to some clinical trial.

This is like a shock to me :ohmy: .... As in month of April,My family use to have Carrot juice 3 to 4 times a week.

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Let me mention here that carrots are not the only source of carotene.. There are many fruits which contains good amount of carotene like sweet potatoes, mangoes , apricots, pumpkins.
Thank you said by: Ronark Bhardwaj
I agree , having more carrot increases A vitamin, especially eyes starts watering

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Due to taking of carrots we can reduce the cancer symptoms in the body.

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Due to taking of carrots we can reduce the cancer symptoms in the body.

Yes very true we can reduce the cancer cell growth in the body due to carotene in carrots. But if it is taken in excess quantity then it has reverse effects. Excess intake of carrots can lead to cancers.
Yes there are many uses of carrot. But also many defects so it should be taken in control.

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