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main benefits of fasting are:

to give rest to digestive organs

to improve secretion of digestive hormones

and to clean the walls of the stomach

it will also remove toxins from blood

regular fasting can help impeove health a lot

For keralites, it's a reduced food in-taking month for both Hindus and Muslims.
Since it's Karkidaka month, many take ayurveda treatments reducing food amount.

Meera sandhu
This is important for all who do fasting during pujas and any other occasions.
Saranya i wont agree with you because, due to fasting, digestive system does not get rest because it becomes more tired as the acids form in the stomach

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Fasting for whole day can make us weak.So we must eat some fruits or juice to keep ourselves strong.

Sharmistha Banerjee
To stay healthy during fasting we must have a diet that is less than the normal amount of calories or food intake but balanced in nutrients.

Sharmistha Banerjee
To stay healthy during fasting we must have a diet that is less than the normal amount of calories or food intake but balanced in nutrients.

So one must eat even during fast. Then will this be fast? Will it not be best to avoid fasts totally. One may skip food or eat less on health ground like stomach pain, indigestion when necessary. Personally, I am never on fast. I just do not eat when not hungry and never eat more than necessary.or only for taste.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Fasting is very good for our health per a week one day we should do this.
fastng is about self control. You won't get weak or die if you don't eat for one day... yes it does improve the digestive system, but keep drinking the water atleast. one should do fast to know about its control on mouth and taste..

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
fasting for whole day is not good for health as doctors say ,empty stomack is not right. We should eat something atleast in a gap.
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