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The land that thou standeth,
brigthen the gloom of nocturnal hours

The wind that charms you away,
bringth back the melodies of the birds

The sun that shineth through,
bloometh the flower's hues

The sea that runth around
maketh the waves with joy!

The string that holdest us
strengthen the balm to our aching hearts

Small loss and pain are for a short while
The joy that cometh after,behold it with your hands

Alas the time is short , o short...........
Count them that loveth you,leave them not!!

Great! What else do I say? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Now, it's sure, we will get a real booster of poem floods through both these lovely people!!!
Keep it up!!!

Meera sandhu
A flood of ..! Then these would be worse than dull proses! Good poems should make their appearances when hearts command and heads flatter! :P :P :P :P :P
The land that thou standeth,
brigthen the gloom of nocturnal hours

The wind that charms you away,
bringth back the melodies of the birds

The sun that shineth through,
bloometh the flower's hues

The sea that runth around
maketh the waves with joy!

The string that holdest us
strengthen the balm to our aching hearts

Small loss and pain are for a short while
The joy that cometh after,behold it with your hands

Alas the time is short , o short...........
Count them that loveth you,leave them not!!

Words totally fail me, this is so lovely!!! :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani, since Chinmoy ji's poem was very melancholy, i tried to reply by giving a poem of hope....

But i couldnt find any rhyming words or any counter strike words for mountains?

Swetha Shenoy
Kalyani, since Chinmoy ji's poem was very melancholy, i tried to reply by giving a poem of hope....

But i couldnt find any rhyming words or any counter strike words for mountains?

What about 'mala'? Isn't it a striking word :woohoo: :woohoo:

Hoping you know the meaning of it :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Kalyani, since Chinmoy ji's poem was very melancholy, i tried to reply by giving a poem of hope....

But i couldnt find any rhyming words or any counter strike words for mountains?

I couldn't find any rhyming words but here a few alternate words for mountains - a crag, alps, a mount, or a peak, maybe you could make a new poem out of it!! :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani, since Chinmoy ji's poem was very melancholy, i tried to reply by giving a poem of hope....

But i couldnt find any rhyming words or any counter strike words for mountains?

I couldn't find any rhyming words but here a few alternate words for mountains - a crag, alps, a mount, or a peak, maybe you could make a new poem out of it!! :laugh:

Am telling, 'Mala' is the best word........(don't pronounce it as 'maala') :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
haha , yes i agree with sandhya , i can use the word mala(rain)

but it must rhyme with the above poem...

Swetha Shenoy
haha , yes i agree with sandhya , i can use the word mala(rain)

but it must rhyme with the above poem...

Mala means Mountain
Mazha means rain :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
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