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So all the ants have magrated to America and the grasshoppers have developed India to its present level. Not bad. The US ants now want to do business with Indian grasshoppers. How pessimistic can some get.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Uncle Sam dying for doing business with Indian grasshoppers. Oh,really! Reductio ad absurdum! Even if all ants desire to cross into that land from India that is simply not on.America is very fastidious in the selection of ants having zero tolerance to grasshoppers of the kind mentioned in the story reproduced by Kalyani. Grasshoppers live off others' hard work and onerous liabilities for both the USA and India. Pessimism is bad but worse is boneless optimism. Only we need hard-nosed pragmatism and a sense of realism.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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