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It is still my early days with adsense and I manage to write atleast one blog every week and just earned a few clicks only. I am hopeful for the future!!!
I am currently earning $30 a day from adsense, amazon and other third party affs. Normally I end up with $1000 a month as I get some decent success with third party products which pays good commission.

The earnings sky rocket during christmas. Lat christmas I averaged $66 for the month of december from all sources.

My target is $100 a day by the end of this year.

I am confident that with smart and a little hard work I can achieve it.

And I give no importance to adsense. If you are serious of making money online you should target third party affiliates.

I wish every the best on their target.
Even,if you don't have your own site than too you earn lots of dollars online.You just need hard work in doing this.

Want to make each day Accountable

Dear Arun Jain

Could you share your third party site and some tips to increase earning from adsense.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Well, I have already shared some of my secrets but I guess they got buried in the thousands of forum topics that starts here everyday.

I will quickly summarize my tips to increase your earnings from adsense in brief:

1.Write online for the US market. You will get paid more.

2.Write only on topics which you can get your article on the front page and preferably in the top 3.
(The top 3 pages normally gets the highest payings ads which are mentioned in adwords tool)

3.I also don't use adsense when I write about some products. Coz adsense will only pay some cents for a click and if you sell a product you will get commission in dollars.

Here are the third party affs:

I use Amazon most of time and I am also accepted in shareasale, pepperjamnetwork,commision junction. They have thousands of merchants offering their products.

I select products that goes with the content of my article and also offers decent commission.

I hope that helps Santosh. I really think anyone can reach the 10 dollar mark if they put in some smart work. One just have to thik things from searcher and business point of view.
Thank you said by: Abid Areacode
Arun ,
You had detsailed it very well.Hope this will help the members of Boddunan.

Visit my blogs:
You should not target when you earn money. Targets are automatically updated as you go on. If you work good,give enough focus on your work,targets are automatically done.

Want to make each day Accountable

Dear Arun

You describe well I understand I will try to do all these things if I will feel any problem then i will contact you.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh anytime. I would be glad to help. You can just few months before I quit my job and started doing it online fulltime. But still I work for the same amount of time as I use to work before. But yea, working online does free up a lot of time for me.

I would glad assist you in any query you might have.
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It is amazing to be an active member of boddunan.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
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