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if you give me a site where we can earn in $ i will put my target to 20$ every day. i want online job till now didnt found one. hope to get soon that time i will surely try my best to earn more than 10000 a month through net.
Dear sharon,

You can start earning from google adsense on which you can earn in dollars but its required hard and smart work.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I am getting good success in adsense so I want to advice you all to work for adsense it will make your future better.

Santosh Kumar Singh


i guess you need a site of your own which i dont have. if you give me all the detail like in what to do .what is adsense all about it will be good
Dear sharon maha

you do not need website just start your own blog on blogger you will get success to get adsense account. visit this blog link for more details

and visit this

Santosh Kumar Singh


Your target is OK.Are you earning it per day or just put as a target?

Visit my blogs:
My average earning is one dollar per day but I am doing hard work on my contents to convert it to 10$ per day.

Santosh Kumar Singh


OK, by which way you are earning one dollar per day?Through adsense or writing?

Visit my blogs:
I don't have targets.I wish to improve from what Iam earning today.Expecting better tomorrow.
Dear Abid

I am earning through blog which i already posted on blogger. I am working on boddunan to earn additional pocket money.

My actual target is adsense.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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